Spider Man- Shattered Dimensions (Wii) |
Spider Men in order front to back: Spider Man 2099, Amazing Spider Man, Spider Man Noir, and Ultimate Spider Man |
Gameplay: 14/15
The gameplay in this is fantastic. You have 4 different Spider Men (shown up top) you can play as and even one ultimate boss, I'm not revealing who ;), where you get to play as all four of them! There's lots of combat action with really cool special moves where you can beat the snot out of people! Even better: you can buy all new stuff with the points you've earned: different combat moves, health/specialty move upgrades, and even different costumes! But of course, just like everyone else, I prefer cheat codes. Everything is practically great, except for one thing: the controls. There are way too many of them! Yeah, I understand that you need a lot for all the different moves, but they could've made them at least a little bit simpler. For example, in the controls, you use the B button, but then, you can TILT the controller and hit the B button. Because of the tilt, I wasn't able to get past the TUTORIAL without a walk through.
Graphics: 15/15
The graphics: subtle, yet vivid! Each different Spider Man universe has its own way of saying, look at me! Play me! The graphics I would say are great. They also blend into the gameplay a little too. For example, Spider Man Noir (the third one) has a cool stealth mode, where he can hide in the shadows. In that time the whole screen is black and white! It really gives you the feeling of being aware, but if you go into the lights, the colors start to come back, but it stills stays a subtle sepia tone, keeping what lies ahead mysterious and sometimes a bit creepy. The best graphics in the whole game I think are really the characters. I can tell the character artists have put lots of effort into the characters, because they look AWESOME. Great job, really.
Plot: 15/15
This last category is not a defined category. I will be switching it out sometimes with Lasting Appeal. But that's my choice. Let's continue. Overall, the game's is really simple and easy to follow. Here's a summary:
The story starts out at a museum with the real Stan Lee narrating! The villain boss, who shall remain unnamed, is trying to steal an ancient tablet of the universes when good ol' Spidey comes to the rescue. But then the tablet breaks, and all the pieces go to different dimensions, while the villain runs away with one piece. Then Madame Web, who is a psychic boss, contacts Spider Man, along with the other three Spider Men, to help her retrieve the pieces. And all four of the superheroes go on an adventure in their dimensions to save the world, blah, blah, blah. I would tell you the end, but I don't want to give it away. In the end, the plot ties in with the story well and it can be easily followed. I always like me a good plot!
In conclusion, Spider Man Shattered Dimensions is a game that I recommend to you to buy, for all console platforms. Here is a rating recap:
Gameplay: 14/15
Graphics: 15/15
Plot: 15/15
Overall Score: 15/15
BUY IT!!!!
Thanks for reading my blog. Tune in some other day for another Pvt.Awsum blog. I'll see you next time.
Noir Gameplay |
Amazing GameplayPvt.Awsum Blog |
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